
British Values

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 Our children are listened to and we teach them the importance of listening to and respecting the views of others. Pupils know that their voice is important; there are many occasions when they are asked to express their opinions e.g. holding mock elections to elect school councillors, sharing views and opinions. Pupils develop a good understanding of the democratic process and how they can influence decision making. Within lessons teachers encourage children to defend a point of view and work collaboratively as part of a team. 

Rule of law

 School rules are central to creating the warm and happy environment  at Elveden Academy. Children are taught the difference between right and wrong. They learn that this is crucially important to ensuring their own well-being and safety both in school and in their wider communities. The expectations at Elveden Academy are displayed around school clearly.

Individual Liberty

Our children are strongly encouraged to make choices and understand their rights and responsibilities. We provide boundaries to ensure that these choices can empower our pupils. In class, teachers allow opportunities for children to have the freedom to decide how they would like to achieve a goal; this allows them multiple opportunities to build resilience, to become inquisitive and to feel challenged. 

Mutual respect

Respect is a embedded throughout the ethos of our school. Children are respected by all adults and they are expected to show respect to everybody they meet. Our behaviour policy sets out key expectations for both adults and children. 

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Tolerance is taught and runs through our school ethos. We teach tolerance to different faiths in our R.E lessons. Children also have opportunities to appreciate differences  during PSHE lessons. During collective worship, children learn about key religious morals from all over the world through a range of multicultural stories and questions.