Children start at Elveden in the year in which they turn 5 (Reception) and leave at the age of 11 (Year 6). The school has a hall used for collective worship, assemblies and indoor P.E. Outside, we have a vast range of spaces to explore. We have the use of a hard playground as well as a grassed area with climbing frames, exercise equipment and a ‘Spiritual classroom’. We also have a wellbeing garden which can be accessed from the KS1 and LKS2 classrooms in main school. When dry, the children have the use of the village green for sports and playtimes as well as the local cricket ground. There are additional play equipment facilities outside of the lunch hall which children can use during their lunch hour. We are an ‘Outdoor play and Learning ‘ school (OPAL) which provides children with the opportunity to play collaboratively in a multitude of ways during lunchtime, engaging with all age groups across the school. EYFS and LKS2 have weekly ‘Forest School’ sessions at our Forest school site, with other year groups experiencing this at different times throughout the year. Most recently, we have been able to build a Multi-Use Games Area, which the children in KS2 use as part of their PE lessons and is also available to hire by the local community outside of school hours.
As a Church of England school, we regularly visit the Elveden church of St. Andrew and St. Patrick, to gather together with our families e.g. Harvest Festival, Christingle and Easter Service. We also visit with the children every half term for Collective Worship where children have the opportunity to learn about worship and take Eucharist if they wish.
School Opening Times
School starts at 8.35am and finishes at 3.50pm for 174 days per year *.
*This equates to more hours than the previous 190 shorter days that were in place.
The children have morning break 10.30am - 10.45, Lunch break is at 12pm - 1pm
Children receive:
7hrs 15mins of education a day (including breaks/lunches)
36hrs 15mins of education per week
34 weeks and 4 days of education per year
1261hrs and 30mins of education per year