
Vision and Values

Our Vision Statement
‘Let Your Light Shine’

We celebrate the uniqueness of every child and encourage them to
shine before others in turn giving glory to the heavenly father and 
preparing them for life’s journey

‘Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and

glorify your father in heaven’
Matthew 5:16

It is our aim at Elveden C of E Primary Academy for our children to have a lifelong
love of learning and to be confident articulate individuals, with both a positive attitude
to work and a social conscience: everything we do is of significance and part of our
Christian mission.
Our vision statement outlines the aspirations we have for our school and its children. 
At Elveden Academy, our vision is embedded in everything we do and is the
foundation of our practice. We believe in providing a culture of opportunity for all of
our children so they are prepared for their life ahead. We aim for profound personal
development of all. Our R.E. contributes to the spirituality of our children, it builds
community cohesion and our Christian Distinctiveness is threaded right through the
heart of our school and the rich, broad, beyond expectation curriculum we provide.
As a Church of England school, all of what to do is shaped by our Christian values of
Hope, Trust, Respect and Forgiveness. These underpin all we do and we believe
this is fundamental to our children growing into active citizens ready for life in the
21st Century. We prepare all children to make exceptional contributions to the global
society and our curriculum enriches lives spiritually, culturally, socially and morally. It
is important that our clearly communicated and lived out values are also understood
at home, with the potential for our whole school community to be influenced and
changed by them. It is this living out of our values which genuinely defines our
school and makes us distinctive.    
These link to our shared British values of tolerance, mutual respect, individual liberty,
democracy and the rule of law. We believe our actions and impact within the local
community and wider world are what really shows the core beliefs that we build our
school upon.  There are many examples on our website of how we, as a school live
out our vision in our wider community.

Our Mission Statement
Elveden C of E Primary Academy is a small, caring Church of England Primary
School in Suffolk. We are a family community with Christian Values at the heart,
where adults and children genuinely care for one another.
We aspire to be a high achieving school that provides an outstanding education and
culture of opportunity for all.
We believe that every child is unique and valued by God, with their personal
development being at the heart of all we do.
We provide a rich and stimulating curriculum that inspires and challenges all to
We foster warm partnerships with parents, the local community, St Andrew and St
Patrick’s Church, our link school in Malawi and local charities.  
We teach our children to be excellent Christian role models for the future world. 
We are inclusive, respectful and celebrate global diversity.
We provide excellent care, guidance and support to enable our children to keep
themselves happy, healthy and safe in their adult lives.
We educate children on the importance of their well-being today and in their future.

Our Values:


Our core Values are entrenched within our school and are present in all interactions between staff and children. 

Children are taught about the Christian background to our vision and values throughout our school day.



Hope: When life’s struggles and storms toss you about, set hope as your anchor. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19, NIV).



Trust: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6)



Respect: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3)



Forgiveness: “Jesus gives us the perfect example of forgiveness. While in agony on the cross, Jesus called out, exclaiming “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34).
Perseverance: "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him2 (James 1:12 ESV )
Friendship: "Encourage on another and build one another up, just as you are doing" (Thessalonians 5:11 ESV)
As a Church of England school, all of what to do is shaped by our Christian values of Hope, Trust, Respect and Forgiveness. These underpin all we do and we believe
this is fundamental to our children growing into active citizens ready for life in the 21st Century. We prepare all children to make exceptional contributions to the global
society and our curriculum enriches lives spiritually, culturally, socially and morally. It is important that our clearly communicated and lived out values are also understood
at home, with the potential for our whole school community to be influenced and changed by them. It is this living out of our values which genuinely defines our school and makes us distinctive.    
These link to our shared British values of tolerance, mutual respect, individual liberty, democracy and the rule of law. We believe our actions and impact within the local
community and wider world are what really shows the core beliefs that we build our school upon.  There are many examples on our website of how we, as a school live
out our vision in our wider community.