
Squirrel Class

 Our topic has been 'Out of this World' this half term. We have studied everything space related and loved every minute of it! Drawing Club continues to be a great hit and we are writing some super ‘codes’ to match our stories, tales and animations. Some of the texts we have written about are Aliens love underpants, Beegu, Goldilocks and the Three bears, and the animation Trapdoor! We have been learning all about the planets and how they move in the solar system; learning a catchy song which helps us learn planet facts. We spoke about the first landing on the moon and what it’s like to be an astronaut. We created shaving foam moon pictures, designed our own aliens, and built a giant rocket and space station for our role play. We were incredibly lucky that during this topic we had the chance to see the parade of planets in January and February! Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune were all visible in the sky and we LOVED being able to spot them! We even squeezed in activities for Chinese New Year, Children’s Mental Health, safer internet day and Valentines. In maths, we looked closely at numbers 0-5 and moved on to a deeper understanding of 6 7 8. We have been thinking about capacity, size, length and weight. In RE we have been exploring the questions ‘How can we help others when they need it?’ We thought about the Good Samaritan and spoke about things we do every day that help others. We cannot wait for our next topic which is 'All things Royal’ and we have a trip to Thetford Ancient House museum booked to help us immerse ourselves in the life of the royals.